The best martech training resources in 2022.

The best martech training resources in 2022.

Our selection of the best martech resources for platform and tools training, websites, books and podcasts.

As the martech industry evolves its never been more important to keep your skills sharp.

Martech training varies based on role and responsibility over martech, this playbook focuses on improving platform/tool specialisation.

For platform specialisation, we recommend you take the following training approach:

  1. Gain certifications of all the existing platforms/tools that you use in your role. If there is a fee for the certification and you already partner with this vendor, check to see if this is included in your partnership as many of these certifications costs are waived for customers.
  2. Every year request your employer invests in martech training for yourself and your team.
  3. In addition to your employer’s training, complete at least 1 x self-funded training course each year. This means spending potentially a few hundred to several thousand dollars to invest in your martech skills - but it's worth it! Just make sure to claim any tax deductions where possible!
  4. Don't forget to subscribe to Martech Playbooks 😍

This approach guarantees that you are capable of doing your role well, you are creating maximum value for your employer, and constantly growing in-demand martech skills despite any possible restrictions.

Here is a list of some of the most common training and certifications in marketing technology:

Martech and Marketing Operations

Enterprise Marketing Clouds and Monolith platforms

Customer Data Platforms

Social media

Customer Relationship Management





Data and analytics

Marketing Artificial Intelligence

Online Educational Training and Institutes

What are some great martech books?

What martech websites are worth following?

What about martech podcasts?

  • The Humans of Martech
  • The MarTech Podcast
  • Making Sense of Martech
  • Martech Masters

See your course or platform and think it should be included?

Get in touch or comment below!

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